Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Begining

Well, I haven't been 300lbs my whole life but I certainly have always been on the larger side of the scale. My mom made me clean my plate when I was a kid, and she couldn't pass up the allure of a 99cent Whooper. So I guess that added to my issues, but since I was a very active girl it didn't show as much as you'd think.
The problem caught up to me after high school, I stopped playing golf 5 days a week, I stopped marching in the band 6 days a week, and I pretty much kept on eating like I had. Contrary to popular belief, emotions have nothing to do with my eating habit either. I'm very happily engaged, I have tons of very supportive happy friends, and my family and I are very close. I recently graduated with my BS in Biology and will be going on to my masters this fall. I'm actually not all that unhappy with my appearance either, but I am getting into a field that requires tons of physical work, so I'm hoping with less lbs to drag around I'll be better at my job.

These days I eat pretty healthy, even got my loving fiancé to eat well too. I exercise pretty often by hitting the gym, playing softball and just generally keeping busy, but that's just enough to keep the damage neutral. So tomorrow I will begin the quest to get back to 250 again... and heck, if all goes well, let's go all the way down to 150. Who knows, it could happen :).

I guess most people when they think of a 300lb woman they get this image in their head:
[Gwyneth Paltrow as Rosemary in Shallow Hal]

And they could be close, but I don't see myself that way at all. In my head I’m much curvier, and a bit thinner. But, I'll let you decide for yourself, this is me (on the left):

My dad is the big guy next to me. I'm hoping my work will eventually get them motivated to get started on some healthier habits as well.

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